Ignited by passion, we will be the worldwide leader of innovative, effective and efficient solutions to create a better world.

Mathew Copley

Student Support Coordinator (SSC)



La Gente


I was born and raised in Pueblo, CO. I graduated from East High School and attended CSU Pueblo. I began working with youth/students in 2013 at El Pueblo: The Boys & Girls Ranch, then District 60, then joined GlobalED Solutions where I continue.  I work for GlobalED because I like to help and be a part of our youth's growth and success.  The students are fun and have a need for knowledge to better their future. The families have high hopes for their students and are so appreciative of what we do for them. This job is awesome because we get to shape and mold our students into successful young adults!


The enjoyment and excitement of seeing our youth that do not seem to have a chance, succeed and excel beyond their own belief.

Favorite Holiday

Thanksgiving, all the family got together and ate some good food, while enjoying each other's company and sharing awesome memories.

My Bucket List

Skydiving, deep sea diving and visiting secret mysterious locations around the world. Skydiving would feel like you're completely free, nothing holding you just falling in open space. Deep sea diving would give a different adventure and look at life, seeing all the species and aquatic nature the sea has to expose. Visiting different secret locations would be a once in a lifetime experience, seeing what secrets the world has and the beauty nature has to show. 

My Favorite Movie

Lion King, it has a great story and teaches a good piece about life.

My Hobbies

All sports & billiards